The Famous Photo

Today the family of three went down to Red Square to take “the photo” in front of Saint Basil Cathedral. I have been following many blogs and this is a tradition. Once you have your child you go and take a photo in front of Saint Basil’s Cathedral. I remember always wondering how “our” photo would turn out. Well, today we took the famous photos and I think they came out great.

“The Photo”

Craig and Dagny

Barbara and Dagny

They erected an ice skating rink in the center of Red Square. It was so cool. It reminded me of Rockefeller Center. Just think how different Red Square was twenty years ago. It was a beautiful site.

Ice Skating Rink

Here is the GUM which is the very elite mall. Many of the stores feature high-fashion brand names.



And of course a night shot of Saint Basil’s Cathedral.

Saint Basil

Dagny did great on our outing. Towards the end she wanted out of her stroller so Craig and I took turns carrying her. She loved that. She was laughing and making funny faces. It was so cute that we didn’t even mind carrying her, OK maybe a little. 🙂