Shannon’s Baby Shower

Saturday Dagny and I went to Shannon’s Baby Shower. It was so nice seeing Shannon and Jeremy again. Last year we were down in PA for their wedding and this August they are going to be celebrating the arrival of their son, Logan. We are so excited for Dagny to have another little friend. Knowing Shannon and Jeremy, Logan is going to be an amazing little boy.

Shannon opening up gifts for the Little Man.

Dagny trying to sneak in or out of the photo… hmmm… not sure.

I was so proud of Little Miss D. She didn’t have a nap and I was so scared she would not be… well, lets put it this way, on her best behavior. But, yet again she amazed me. Not only was she a very good little girl, but got right into the mix with the children. I just love this photo of some of the girls playing together.

While the ladies were gathering, the men went golfing.

It was so nice to see our friends that we wished lived closer. Hopefully, we will see them again in a few weeks if all things work out.



  1. Thanks Maria,

    Barbara and I love this new feature too! Can’t wait to make some more updates to it.

  2. Shannon – Thank you for having us. We had a great time. Surprisingly Craig was not sore the following day. But, I will tell you he had a great time and can’t wait to play again. I know he loved the company the most, thou. 🙂 Can’t wait to see you guys in a few weeks.

    Maria – I know, right? It has started. She actually picked out her dress. And, yes she did nap on the way home. I drove extra slow to give to extra time.

  3. What fun! Little Miss Dagny doing the party circuit all dressed up in her party dress. I bet she slept all the way home 🙂

  4. aww, thank you for coming! i am so glad you were able to come to the shower – it was nice to see you and your lil cutie dagny. she is getting so big! she is such a polite, sweet girl with a big heart. although, i know where she gets that from!

    thank you for all the great presents. logan will look adorable in the little robe. haha 🙂 i can see him now.

    i know jeremy had a blast golfing – and hopefully craig did too, even though he had to use right handed golf clubs. jeremy talked to michael today and he said he is very sore – so hopefully craig isn’t!