Big Announcement

We are so excited about the adoption process and how it has been working for us. Everything has been perfect and we can’t thank the agency we’re working with enough for all the help they have provided us.

Last week on Tuesday Barbara and I received the long awaited phone call. It was so wonderful to get that call. Barbara and I have talked many times about how it would feel once we got “the call” and how would we feel after learning that our daughter would be ready for us and that we would be meeting her. I have always felt that meeting our daughter for the first time was going to be the most amazing experience that I’ll ever have. The number of emotions that I’ll feel will be countless; joyful, excited, scared, nervous, happy, worried, and proud just to name a few.

Ever since that call we have been finalizing everything that we need for our trip. Putting things aside that we’ll need and just thinking through all the logistics of that week. I hope we don’t forget anything. But you know… Barbara is soooo good when it comes to traveling. She is always thinking things through and never leaves anything out.


Our Adventure

Barbara and I have been really busy over the last 7 months and a lot of preparations have gone into starting our wonderful adventure. A lot of you out there are familiar with our adventure and have been clued in on every step that Barbara and I have taken. But there are a few of you out there that are not fully in the know. Barbara and I would like to go into more detail over the next few post so that everything can be explained. For our first post we would like to make our official web announcement of our plans to adopt a baby girl from Russia.