Paperwork for Trip 2

Today Craig and I took a half day and got all our paperwork done for Trip 2. YES!

They are now on the way to Albany to get apostilled. Another YES!

Now we wait to bring this little cutie home.

Dagny with the tape measure

We have been finishing up Dagny’s room since we got home. Here is one example.

Missing Dagny

As Craig wrote in the previous post we are safely back home. It’s nice to be back in the comfort our home and especially our bed. But, a huge part of us was left back in Moscow. Our hearts are not the same as they were before October 28th. We met this little itty bitty girl that filled our hearts with love we never imagined. The hardest thing I ever had to do was say good-bye to Dagny as she fell asleep in my arms and I cried for the first time for my daughter.

Dagny sleeping in Mommy’s arms for the first time

The orphanage was nice enough to allow us to visit with Dagny in the morning for an hour before we left for the airport. Here are some photos from that visit.

We would like to thank everyone that took time out to follow us as we met our little girl. Thank you for all the wonderful comments. It brought us so much joy reading them from such a faraway place. Please don’t stop the comments or questions in the future. We look forward to reading them and answering all your questions.

We will be posting more photos and videos in the days ahead. We have many, many more to share with you all.


Barbara, Craig & Dagny