First Time For a Carnival

Yesterday, we met up with Dagny’s friend, Samantha, at the Mendon Carnival. We knew she would love the rides, because we have come to terms with the fact that she is an adrenaline junkie.  And, having one of her best friends there would be the cherry on top.  The two girls had such a great time.  Every time Dagny got off a ride, the first thing she said “I want to go on another ride.”

These two are so stinking cute, that when the ride ended they talked the “boys” (who operated the rides) to allow them to stay on and ride it again.  Except, again turned into 3 to 5 more times.

the girls

so cute

around and around

Dagny winning a prize.

wining a prize

JH family


Happy 42 Months, Dagny!

And, yes we celebrate half birthdays in the Johnson Household.  Saturday, after dance Dagny had one of her best friends, Samantha, from preschool and her mom came over for a BBQ.  Dagny was sooo excited to have Samantha come for a visit.  She literally sat in front of the cable box and looked at the time.  We told her when they were coming and she was looking for the numbers to change.  When she heard a car drive by, she flew to the window and looked to see if it was her friend.  It was so sweet! The girls had so much fun playing together.

After linner, we had Dagny blow out some candles on a  small cake Craig got her. Dagny really wants to be four.  But, when we told her that she is no longer 3, but  3 1/2 it seemed to satisfy her for the time being.

Happy 3 1/2

Here is my girl working out the plan of action on how to devour the cake in record time.

Serious business

Monday, was Doodle Dance at her preschool.  It was the end of the year school recital.  We were prepared for her not to participate and run to us and say she was shy.  To our surprise she not only participated but she had a blast. Craig and I were so proud of her for doing so well.  I am crossing my fingers that this was a prequel to her dance recital in June.

Doodle Dance

Foot work

Having fun


Dagny has always seemed ahead of the curve when it comes to certain things.  She knew all her letters by two and when I mean knew, she knew them randomly.  You could show any letters to her and she would know them 99% of the time.

Craig and I have never made a point of drilling numbers and letters down her throat.  We are not that kind of parents.  But, we do encourage her learning.  She has, and have for a long time, the foam letters in the tub, tons of books that she loves to “read” and we make it a point to read to her every single night.  She has workbooks that encourage her fine motor skills and not just letters and numbers.  Dagny’s Grandma and Grandpa Johnson have gotten her numerous subscriptions (Highlights High Five,  Puzzle Buzz, and National Geographic’s) that she loves to work through.

I am serious when I say I never tell her to sit down and do any activities in the magazines or workbooks.  She knows where they are kept and on her own she takes them out and starts working on them.  Sometimes I am in the kitchen cooking and its very quiet, so I walk to the living room and there she is working on a puzzle from the Highlights. I just smile and let her be and go back to the Kitchen. But, if she has a question we always try to be there to answer them for her. She really enjoys involving us in her workbook activities and asks us to join her in the dinning room.

This past week, she asked to work in her math book.  She did this all by herself.  The only thing I did was write the number 4 on the top of the page for her to have a reference for the way the book writes the number.  I am not even that impressed that she knew the answers, because she has been able to do that sort of stuff for awhile, but how well she wrote her numbers.


So, I no longer have eye glasses or the need to wear them. Perfect timing with sunglasses season approaching. The only reason I was wearing them was because of my astigmatism.  Apparently, I was the perfect candidate for an LRI.  It was a very quick and simple procedure.  I was able to get it done in the office with some numbing drops and the whole thing took a few minutes.  Only thing I am still working through is my phantom glasses.  It’s a weird sensation to actually feel my old glasses on my face knowing very well that they are not there.

And, because its that time of the year.

lilacs from our garden


Faking Spring

This weekend it was warm and dry enough to fake a spring day.  It’s been non stop rain and cold, very unfriendly outdoors weather, which by the way doesn’t sit very well with a 3 year-old that would rather be outside all day if possible.  In fact, she asks every morning “Mommy, is it raining today?” That’s just sad.  But, I do think there will be a shift in the weather soon.

Saturday, after Dagny’s dance class, the three of us headed over to Home Depot to pick up a new lawn mower.  We needed a new one for the past couple of seasons, but we have been putting it off.  The duck tape holding it together finally broke at the end last season and with that we could not put off buying a new one any longer.  It’s a slick new red mower and I think Craig might be in love.  He cut the grass for the first time this year, not that you can tell from all the rain we have had this week.

Later in the afternoon we went over to our friends son’s birthday party.  Dagny was so excited about going, she could hardly contain herself.  As I was getting her ready she looked at me and said “I like parties and cake.”  My little party animal.

We are pretty consistent about getting Dagny in bed by her bedtime or very close to it. But Saturday… Not so much.  We all had so much fun with our great friends.

In the mix

Patiently awaiting the cake

You would think going to bed late Dagny would sleep in.  Yeah, that’s not the case.  She was up bright and early on an ungodly hour of 7 am on Sunday.  Dagny and I got ready while Craig slept in until 8:30.  How sad is that, 8:30 in the morning is considered sleeping in.  The joys of parenthood.

Dagny wanted to go outside badly, so I took her out front and let her burn off some energy.  I really wish I could bottle some of it up and sell it on the black market.  We’d make a fortune.

She looks so much older here.

jumping around


Yikes. A look into the teen years?

After dinner we went for a walk in Highland Park.  It’s one of our favorite places to go.

Me and my girl



This past Monday was Dagny’s second week of  gymnastics.  She loves it, from what I can see. Which is not so much, because we can’t be in the gym with them.  I sit in the car and watch to see if I can catch a glimpse of her.  When I do, she has a huge smile.  I am just so happy that she is enjoying it. This summer we are signing her up for soccer.  I hope it goes just as well.  Like gymnastics, she has asked us to do it.

Having fun


Fun Weekend With Great Friends

Saturday our good friends came over with their Lil D. It was so great seeing them and catching up. D has grown so much, he is such a sweet little boy.

Dagny and I had a conversation about a little boy coming to visit with her, because as a parent of a two year-old I just never know how she is going to react. Well, to my pleasant surprise she said “I am going to hug and kiss D…” At this point I almost melted. I thought that was such a sweet thing for her to say. I mean come on… how cute is that?!

When they arrived and we gave them a tour of the new house we made a detour to Dagny’s room. Where D enjoyed exploring. Once again my kid made me proud. Because we all know how kids can get very possessive of their toys in addition with being a toddler and an only child. So, when D showed interest in Dagny’s toys Craig and I held our breath and were ready to parent. All this build-up for nothing, because she totally shared with D. Yay daycare!

We ended up in the backyard where Craig grilled and we caught up. Later in the afternoon Dan decided to take the kids for a ride.

Sunday, we headed to the backyard to play in the pool, but first we played with the sprinklers. Because, you know the pool is not enough to meet our needs of getting wet.

I don’t see us leaving the house much this summer. Maybe by next year the novelty of the pool will wear off. Doubt it thou.


Great Time With Great Friends

Friday afternoon Craig and I drove down to State College, PA to visit with our good friends, the Gibson’s. This was the first time in a year that we left Dagny home with my Mom. Actually, the last time was when we went to Shannon and Jeremy’s wedding. If at all possible, I think we missed Dagny more this time around, but we survived.

It is amazing how much we did on Saturday. We started the day by going over to their business, PCQuikFix, and taking a tour. If anyone needs anything done on their computers, etc. then you need to give them a call!

Here are the wonderful owners.

From there, our awesome hosts took us to Penn’s Cave, America’s only all water cavern. This was really neat. I am really glad we got a chance to check this out.

Then later in the day we went to the Alpha Fire Company, where Jeremy is a volunteer fireman. He gave us a tour and explained the difference between and fire engine and a fire truck, which I had wrong all this time. Do you know the difference?

It was so great seeing them again. We can’t wait to meet the little man when he arrives in August.
