Thanksgiving With A Side of Christmas

This year we celebrated Thanksgiving in Ohio with Craig’s family.  We decided to take Dagny to Doodle Bugs in the morning while we packed the car and took care of things around the house.  We have done this in the past and find this works best all around. Dagny is able to work some energy off before a long trip and we don’t have to worry about a 4-year-old slowing us down.

The men of the family requested something non traditional for Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey is overrated anyway, but prime rib is not. Yum.

The Johnsons.

Here are my two loves doing the chicken dance.  Can I just say how much I love these two.

And, here is my goofy child.  She has taken the ham factor up a few notches lately. Love. her.

We got back in town on Saturday, which gave us Sunday to go out and get our Christmas tree. This year we decided that Dagny, and mom and dad, were old enough to truly enjoy the experience of picking and cutting a Christmas tree.

I love this photo that Dagny took of us.

My big girl.

Craig and I surprised Dagny with her very own Christmas tree for her bedroom.  She is so excited about having her own.  She had a blast decorating it and us watching her.


Bonus Photo: I love this girl so much!


Today is my little girl’s 4th birthday.  Not quite sure how that happened, I mean she was just one yesterday.

In the morning, when Dagny came downstairs, she saw her presents waiting for her.

Here is my silly 4-year old.

She had a very busy day.  Craig and I picked her up early from “school” and we took her out to dinner. Afterward she had gymnastic where parents were invited to sit in and observe.

The long day ended by us surprising Dagny with a birthday cake.  Here is her reaction.

Happy Birthday, Sweet Pea!


Halloween 2011

Halloween gets better every year where Dagny is concerned.  She had so much fun at her school celebration, which included a parade and trick-or-treating.  She got plenty of practice for the evening in our neighborhood.

Little D looking over her loot, after a great night out trick-0r-treating with her friend, Greta.

And, the winner is for the first candy eaten… a hamburger shaped gummy.

Bonus:  I just love this photo of my little ladybug!


Let The Party Start

Saturday, was Dagny’s birthday party.  Because her birthday is so close to Thanksgiving, we figured we would go ahead and move the party up a couple of weeks.  It worked out good, because almost everyone we invited was able to make it.

The party was at Kango Play Center.  We’ve been there twice before, a birthday party and a play date.  Needless to say, Dagny fell in love with the place.  We gave her a few options and Kango was the winner hands down.

She wanted a pink and purple cake with Spider-Man on it.  Can I just say how much I love this girl!

Someone got shy with all the attention on her.

Ah, the gifts.  D made out like a bandit.

Love these three girls so much.  They are the Three Musketeers.

Three wise monkeys.

Dagny has some pretty wonderful friends. The next day it was about playing with all her new toys. Here is one of the many great gifts she received. She LOVES her tree house.

I was able to pull her away long enough to take her to see the OrKidstra Runaway Bunny. Kids were encourage to dress up in their Halloween costumes.

Here she is waiting for the show to start.

Here are the two girls enjoying the candy they received after the show.

It was a fun filled weekend.  Happy Pre Birthday, Dagny!


Greatest Show On Earth

Thursday, Dagny and I went to see the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. We were joined by her good friend and mom. This was the first time for both of us at the circus. Craig boycotted it because of the animals. He doesn’t believe they should be in cages and preforming for our enjoyment. I whole heartily agree with him on this, but I really wanted Dagny to experience the clowns and acrobats. So, of course whenever the animals came out, I was hearing Craig’s voice in my head and remembering the book Water for Elephants. I found myself looking away. Besides my internal struggles about the animals; I really liked everything else. Some of the things were actually pretty amazing. Plus, Dagny and her friend had a blast.
