Adoption 101

It's always important to take good notes!

Now I would like to just take a little time and tell everyone about what we have done with the adoption from the beginning. I know I’m not going to be able to fit everything in, in this post, but I can at least start the story telling process.

After Barbara and I got married we knew that we would at one point start our family. We talked about names that we both liked and disliked. Schools that we felt were the best in our area. Toys that we would want our children to play with. When would be the best time to have a child. And almost always during those conversations over the years, we talked about adoption. Adoption was something that we both felt was a wonderful thing that we could do for a child in this world of ours.

Barbara and I have been married now for six years, and we have done so many things together as a couple. And now the time has come for us to share our time and love with a family of our own. One of the most important things that Barbara and I want to do, when we adopt, is ensure that our child is fully acclimated into our home life. And most adopted children are bound to have attachment issues that we will need to work through. That’s why Barbara and I feel that adopting our first child will enable us to better help our child through this process.

So back is Feburary of this year Barbara and I began searching for an Adoption agency. Now when I say Barbara and I… I mean Barbara. Barbara has done soooo much with the entire process. I’m sure we would be still searching if it was all up to me. Anyway… We decided on an Agency after searching for almost a month and we signed up and began the long process of applying to the Russian Government to adopt a baby girl.

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