Grandma J In The House

Grandma J, a.k.a Craig’s mother came for a nice week long visit to spend some quality time with her granddaughter, Little D. What is there to do in Rochester in the winter with a little bean, well Strong Museum of Play of course.

Grandma J and Dagny

What’s that Grandma?

Craig demonstrating how to open his mouth while Dagny is showing how to close hers. These two are too fun.

Craig and Dagny

You did know that King Arthur was actually Queen Dagny, right?

Queen Dagny

Dagny loves it when we blow in her face. She thinks its a riot.

Funny Dagny

The fam.



  1. Thank you for the great time last week. I hope you had as much fun as I did. The museum was wonderful! I love y’all so very much.

  2. The long awaited pictures & stories… well worth the wait. You all look so very happy 🙂 It’s so great that Dagny had a chance to spend a week with Grandma J and it looks like Grandma J enjoyed herself too!