Can You Guess Where We Went Today?

Okay, here’s a hint.

she looks so big

We figured since the weather was so nice that people would opt out of going to the Strong Museum of Play. Sure enough the place was pretty much empty. Once again Dagny had a blast.

Here is our little composer.

the musician

Seriously, how do they know what to do? She just sat down and went at it. I guess she is a Daddy’s girl.

our little programmer

The big kid got a chance to play as well.

the other kid

We decided to see the butterfly garden, since Dagny really seems to like them.

Pretty, right?


Dagny seems to agree.

I think she likes them

On the way out Dagny got really excited about the carousel, I mean really excited.

My girl and I

Big Bird came along for the ride too.



  1. we need to go there again she loves it soo much lol and so do i it really is a lot of fun and her face says it all <3

  2. Where do I begin? I can see what a grand day you had at the Strong. How lucky the three of you are to have such a wonderful museum in your backyard.
    Dagny, I love butterflies, too!

    Grandma Jen